October 5, 2011

This past weekend was the best we've had so far. Laura is exactly right, conference was like christmas for me and all the missionaries here. with the attitude of being the Lord's servants and called to preach His gospel, hearing a living prophet and apostles speak to us and convey what the lord wants us to know really helped us take what they said to heart. Conference has always been the same but our attitude and being willing to have our bowls upright, ready to recieve inspiration is the difference. Being a missionary I felt like I heard different things from talks than if I wasnt, things that could apply to my work as a missionary and how I can be a better servant of the lord.

Funny thing though, during one of the sessions we had a little earthquake, haha, just a little one. I just think it was God just making sure all of us missionaries were awake during conference.

These past few days have been a little quiet and a little weird here at the ccm. Our latino companions and the advanced group of missionaries all left so lately there has been about a total of 30 missionaries in the entire place, its been pretty nice, but our new latino companions will be coming in tomorrow so we are excited to meet them. It was actually pretty sad seeing our latino companions leave. We had all gotten pretty close, but we knew they were going off to do great things on their missions. Some of these little latinos were really funny, I wish you guys could meet them. Its funny because sadly pretty much the only thing that people here connect with canada is Justin Bieber, hence the nicknames came around.

Today we get to go out on a tour of lima, we are pretty excited. we are gonna go out and officially look like tourists.

Seeing the other missionaries leave made me think about myself and how I would feel if I were leaving right now for the field, and everything I wish I knew better. Which is a good thing because now I know what I will focus my study more on these next few weeks to be ready for the mission field. I realized that I am definatley not as good at spanish as I could be, so me and a few missionaries made a pact to work our butts off and learn the grammar principles super well, along with the gospel principles...if that makes sense.

I apologize I don't have as much time today, but I want you all to know that I love you so much and am so grateful for all your love and support. I am learning so much here and am loving the gospel more and more every day. keep being amazing and the awesome examples that you are.

Love ya,
Elder Lonsdale