April 2, 2012
I apologize for the short scatterbrained letters these past few weeks,
including this one, I dont know how Tanner finds the time to write
novels, or whole editorials on every conference talk haha How is he
Ok, WOW. Wasnt conference the most amazing thing EVER? I can honestly
say that was THE best conference I have ever heard. I believe part of
that goes to the fact that being here in the mission changes
priorities quite a bit, and that thirst for spiritual knowledge is bit
deeper. But wow, going into conference with specific, personal
questions, and coming out with specific, personal answers is a great
testimony for me that God does answer prayers and spiritual
inspiration is available to ALL of us. I really tried to focus on
those personal revelations or insights that came as I listened to the
speaker and the spirit, and when I was willing and ready to hear them,
they came. Sometimes I had hardly written down things the speaker
actually said but more of what the spirit said to me.
Conference really was an amazing experience for me. And Like the
prophet said, now we need to ponder on those truths we have learned
and apply them in our lives. I know that if we do that, the Lord will
grant us more light and knowledge, What a blessing.